Our Story <3

YAY! We are so glad that you are here! I am Sarah Sanderson, owner & CEO here at The Ninety Nine Boutique!

I opened the 99 in 2019 as a stubborn college student who knew I wanted to be my own boss and did not want to work a typical 9-5! Graciously my parents let me take over the guest room to store invetory, take pictures, and package orders. Since then we have outgrown my parents guest room and have a storefont here in Huntsville, AL!

My most asked question is "Where does the name Ninety Nine come from?" I am always thrilled to exlain that the 99 comes from the parable in the Bible where the Shepherd leaves the 99 sheep to find the 1 that was lost! Jesus leaves the 99 to find the 1 that is lost, & I am so glad I can share that with you!

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